I have done alot of things in my 27 years of life, not all of it good, not all of it bad. I have seen things that could make some people go crazy, been places that are almost to bad to speak of. I have been shot at, held at gun point, robbed, robbed back, and buried people that I love. Mostly I have worked hard, and hustled hard; weather it is cds, clothes,cars, whatever I could get my hands on that was worth selling. With long hours, bleeding hands, bleeding feet. Always working to achieve something, always working to get something. Weather it was for clothes for my little boy, or food, or a peaceful life, or a way out the ghetto, or love. I mean that's more or less the basics that we all wish for, that we all work for. We just all go about it differently, some get on the grind and never stop pushing against it all, some just kinda are lucky and everything just falls in place, some go to school, and study hard while life passes them by...
Whatever you do to get where your trying to go, just remember that sometimes it's okay to give up on certain things, cause your not really giving up on it, just focusing on somethings that will in turn get you what you stopped focusing on. Giving up on yourself is never allowed though, always do to better yourself in life, everything else will eventually fall where it should.
There is one thing that I have given up on, that would be to resettle down. Guess it's not in the stars, or whatever you believe, for me to just be with someone. Suppose maybe there is something that I need to fix with-in before other things will come. Not that big of a deal, I really don't know what to do as a single man, and a single father. Been a one woman man since I was like 18, been a husband and a father since I moved out the house. Not having someone to answer to is kind of, free I guess you can say. But if I really look at it, I still answer to my son, there isn't a parent that can't say that they don't answer to their children in some way, shape, or form. His needs will always come first.
Turns out that someone decided to hit fast forward on my life. Found out on Friday that I have 30 days left in the Navy, then I'm on my own. I was getting ready to do that in a few more months, but now I feel like I have tomorrow. So my plans to move to Texas in a few months, yea scratch that, now it will be in a few weeks. I'm more or less excited about it, my sister says she has my back, maybe we can rekindle that playful childhood connection that we shared until I pretty much bounced out the house when I was a young teenager. My sister Melissa and I used to be inseparable, my greatest concern is that her kids, my nieces and nephews don't know me. Worried that they might not like their big Uncle Joe. My son isn't too much of a worry, I tell him who they are, and he respects and loves so easily in his innocence.
The job market seems to look pretty good between Dallas and Houston...so I believe I will do just fine. Schools for my kid are going to be the tough part. He's going from an A+ school, to schools that are less then. Not trying to knock the schools, but lets face it country style and suburban style schools compared to schools in a large city are way better. Next is if they will understand his ADHD and work with us to get him properly taken care of, and educated.
So let the next chapter of my life begin. May the doors open before me that I have yet to see. I'm just so ready for it to get going!!!! Although I suppose that it has already begun.
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