Monday, March 19, 2012 | By: Joseph Nunez

Great Day

Today was a great day, even on little sleep I accomplished more then usual. Worked, worked out, caught my son from the bus on time this time, got home work done, and attended an awesome multicultural night with my son at his school. It was awesome!!! Never did things like that when I was in second grade!!! They had all the classrooms set up with a different culture, and food to taste from the many cultures that we have in the area.
They did a really good job. My son got to singing in three different languages, and try food from around the world tonight, most of which I had eaten in some way shape or form, but he had never so he just had a blast, made me so proud!!!! Love my little buddy, as much stress he adds into my life, that's how much more he removes from it at the same time. He makes me proud to say that I'm his father...Now if only I can find him a fill in JK!!!!!
O yea almost forgot to mention that my day was totally complete when shorty that I have been missing these days hit me up to Skype cause she wanted to see me. I feel on top of the world, seems like more things then not are falling in place, almost done with smoking, down to a pack every three days, awesome considering that I'm a pack or more a day kinda guy!!!
Next step is to start making my resume more along the lines for what it is that I'm applying for, and also to be more professional and break down what it is that I have been doing for the past four years in the military and how that translates into the civilian quadrant. Mouth full!!! Once that is completed the next step will be to go out and start applying with an open ended date to start of work pending release of active duty service.
With all that being said I got everybody and there momma trying to find ways to convince me to stay in the navy, for some bullshit reason or another, even as far as telling me that I will spend less time with my family as a civilian. Bullshit I tell yea, cause the way I see it is that I'm going to get out of the navy, go to school, hold down a part time job, and from there just keep moving up the chain until I make it to the top and that my family is fully set in every aspect of life. My future wife is set, and my children are all set for college and their future is secured with trusts and such.
What would make it even better is if I can get around to setting up my own business to make it a family owned and operated one, definitely capable of running itself and staying with-in the family on down the line to even my great grand-children. That would be a true dream come true.
LiL Buddy dressed to impress!!!


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