Saturday, March 17, 2012 | By: Joseph Nunez

Life as A Single Father

You know I really have to give it up to all the single parents out there. I always thought my mom was a little exaggerated about raising us kids; she had five of us, teenagers by the time our step-father left. We weren't bad kids per-say, but we were kids. Now that I'm one, single parent that is, I have a little bit more understanding as to what my mother meant. Seems like there really isn't much time in a day to do everything that has to be done, Monday through Friday its get him off to school, go to work, get home at the same time he does, do homework, run errands, make dinner, and find some way to spend some one on one time that he so desperately needs in his life. He feels abandoned by his mother, and like neither of his parents love him. God I try so hard to show him I love him, yet it still isn't enough. For I can't be his mother, she could never be truly replaced, and he just doesn't fully understand.

I'm just thankful for the people that I have in my life that help too lighten the load even if only a little. Both with my son, and with myself. Some days I feel as if I could go crazy, but I know that if I just hold my head up high, take care of my son, make plans with back-ups for his and my future, then all will work out as it should. I will have the things that I want from life, and my son and hopefully future children will be set. I'm working for his future, for a better life...


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