Tuesday, March 20, 2012 | By: Joseph Nunez

Phases and Proper Planning

These are the things I need to be in work on now and continue to work on other things that are further ahead in the future. By making this list it will help me too stay on track, without too many diversions. Cause in order to succeed you must have an action plan, an idea of what you want, how to get it, and when you want it by.

Phase I- 1-4 Months
  1. Get medically checked for everything possible (secure disability)
  2. Get all veteran affairs in order (GI Bill, medical, education, proof of OJT)
  3. get educated on GI Bill vs Post 911
  4. Complete proper resume
  5. Prepare for move
  6. Locate/research housing
  7. Locate source of income before I arrive
  8. Research local colleges to where I'm moving
Phase II- 3-6 Months
  1. Complete move to Texas
  2. Secure proper housing
  3. Secure income (if not already)
  4. Secure schooling (if not already)
Phase III- 1-4 years
  1. Complete secondary education (bachelors) ($$)
  2. Purchase my own home (if not already in work) (3-5 beds, 2.5 baths, garage, 1+ acre of land)
  3. Secure work in proper field of study ($$$$)
  4. Marry and re-settle down
  5. Have second child
As each phase is completed it will open up new doors and new chapters upon my life, most I will gladly accept.


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