My son pushing my adopted nephew on the swing. <3 them |
Well, what can I say, right now the only thing that I'm going to worry about from here on out is my son, and his future, if I get lucky along the way then that is that. I have tried since the separation, but things just haven't worked out so well. So from here on out no more posts about love, no more depression on it, I'm going to have to learn to laugh more, going to have to learn how to be a kid again. Going to see every day as a new day, and that yesterday is gone with no return, I want to make memories with him on a regular basis, ones that I can laugh at when I look back, one that he will remember and remind me once in awhile as we eat dinner.
I just have been so involved in this move, this transition that I have hardly had much time to sit with my little buddy. He is starting to ask questions, and show signs of like he blames himself for what has gone on between me and his mother. That's normal for a child his age, but the best I can do is constantly remind him that nothing is his fault, and that he can talk to me anytime he wants about anything he wants. Problem is, hes too quiet, its hard for me to get anything out of him.
Thought I would spend the whole day in my bed, but it turned out to be a wonderful day. When my son came home from school, it was homework, and then we have spent the entire day outside, played on his swing set, did some tackling and rolling in the grass, then my lil buddy helped me to put together dinner on the grill, reminding me "dad check the meat" or "hey dad is dinner almost done, I'm hungry!!"
The grill with dinner, bout to grub on!!! |
Man all I needed was that push, that reason to get out the bed today, cause if I didn't have my son, there was no way that would have happened. I love him and my nephew, with out them today wouldn't have happened, the boys no6 just when I need a hug, and when to make me laugh by just being plain silly. It's official, as long as I have my son in my world, and make sure he is the center of it, there is no reason I can't do great things.
It's true, I really don't need anybody in my life. If some day in the future it comes around then great, if that day never comes, I think I will be okay with that. I'm young, and I have come to the point that all the family I need is my son, if at some point I still haven't gotten with another woman, and I want to expand, hell there are plenty of children that could use a home, and I've got nothing but love for children. Me and Isaac will do just find in this bold new world we find ourselves in
God bless, and as always, remember that you control your destiny, and there is nothing to big or small to tackle, you got this!!!
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