Tuesday, March 27, 2012 | By: Unknown


When a man has fallen from the graces of a woman, one in which he has fallen so deeply for, one that he cares so deeply for, until she is ready to let him back in, if ever he is fallen from everything. For no matter how hard he tries, he can't seem to get his life in order, she has stripped him to the core with her love, the love he was afraid to accept, yet he was feeding off of.
With out love, life is just so much more difficult, so dull. Love brings all the colors, brightens all that it touches. I had that, I lost that. My mistake, my fault, my wife ruined it for me the first time, I was just so afraid, so scared to accept it when it came again that I ran from it, coward from it. When my eyes were opened to it, I had lost her. Now I have to let her go, let her live her life without me in it, for there is nothing I can do to find myself in her heart again. I cherished every moment with her, I just didn't show her, didn't let her know it, challenged her love every chance I had.
A man will only fall once or twice, but a third will be far off, until she returns to me, I will just be me and my son. I don't want another, don't see myself with another.


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